Privacy Policy

1. We are accountable for all personal information in our possession or control. This includes any personal information that has been received directly from customers and Government agencies.

2. Some of the primary purposes for which we collect and use your Personal Information include:

a. to provide services to you

b. to complete a transaction with you when you purchase a product or service from us

c. to advise you of products or services that may be of interest to you and

d. to respond to inquiries you submit. We may also use your Personal Information as otherwise permitted or required by law.

3. Our company has:

a. Established and put into effect policies and procedures aimed at properly protecting personal information;

b. Educated its staff and volunteers regarding its privacy policy and their role and responsibilities in keeping personal information private and

c. Appointed a Chief Privacy Officer to oversee privacy issues.

4. All comments, questions, concerns or complaints regarding your Personal Information or our Privacy Statement and Practices, should be forwarded to our Privacy Officer as follows. Via Email from our Contact Us page; please entitle the email: “Privacy Policy Officer”

5. We will inform you of the relevant procedures when you make an inquiry or lodge a challenge or complain.

6. We identify the purposes for which we collect personal information from you before it is collected.

7. We identify the purposes for which we use your Personal Information at the time we collect such information from you and obtain your consent, in any case, prior to such use.

8. We obtain your consent before collecting personal information from you.

9. We explain your options and obtain your consent at or prior to collecting, and in any case, at or prior to using or disclosing your Personal Information for any purpose.

10. We will always collect your Personal Information by fair and lawful means (for example, when you complete an application form or purchase a product or service from us).

11. We may collect Personal Information about you from third parties, such as the Provincial Institutes/Order and other institutions and organizations.

12. We also collect your Personal Information where we have obtained your consent to do so or as otherwise permitted or required by law.

13. Personal Information is any information that is identifiable with you. This information may include, but is not limited to, your name, mailing address, phone numbers, email address, identification numbers, credit card numbers, banking information, and creditor information. Personal Information, however, generally does not include your name, business title, business address, business telephone number or e-mail address in your capacity as an employee of an organization.

14. We disclose your personal information only for purposes for which it has consent, or as permitted or required by law. We retain personal information only as long as necessary to fulfill those purposes.

15. We identify to whom, and for what purposes, we disclose your Personal Information, at or prior to the time we collect such information from you and obtain your consent to such disclosure. For example, we may disclose your Personal Information:

a. to such persons and for such purposes for which you provide your consent; and

b. as otherwise permitted or required by law.

16. We may keep a record of your Personal Information, correspondence or comments in a file specific to you. We will utilize, disclose or retain your Personal Information for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected and as permitted or required by law.

17. We endeavors to keep accurate, complete, and up-to-date, personal information in its possession or control, to the extent required to meet the purposes for which it was collected.

18. We will ensure that your Personal Information is kept as accurate, complete and up-to-date as possible based on information provided to us by you or any agency. We expect you, from time to time, to supply us with written updates to your Personal Information, if applicable.

19. We protect the privacy of personal information in its possession or control by using security safeguards appropriate to the sensitivity of the information.

20. We have implemented physical, organizational, contractual and technological security measures to protect your Personal Information from loss or theft, unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use or modification. The only employees who are granted access to your Personal Information are those with a business ‘need-to-know’ or whose duties reasonably require such information.

21. You can visit our Web Site without telling us who you are or revealing any information about yourself, including your email address. However, our web server may collect the IP address and domain you used to access our Web Site, the type and version of web browser and operating system you are using, the number, duration and frequency of visits to our Web Site and the web site you came from and visited next. This anonymous information cannot be traced to a specific individual User, it is used by us simply to measure the number of visits, average time spent, page views, most popular preferences and other statistics about visitors to the Web Site and to determine the characteristics in which users use our Web Site and services. We may use this data to monitor Web Site performance for systems administration purposes, to make our Web Site easier and more convenient to use, to improve our services and to track information in aggregate form (e.g. how many visitors use the Web Site).

22. We use cookies, that is, small files that your Web browser places on your computer’s hard drive, to remember a User’s code, password and preferences while the User is using our web site and to facilitate navigating different pages on the Web Site.

23. Our web site contains security mechanisms that protect against the loss, the misuse and the modification of information under our control.

24. Our web site provides links to third party web sites. Our Privacy Statement does not extend to these third party web sites and it is recommended that Users read the privacy policies of these web sites. We are not responsible for the content of, or the privacy practices employed by, third party web sites.

25. We ensure that agencies and third parties who are engaged to perform services on our behalf and are provided with Personal Information are required by contract to observe the intent of this Privacy Statement and our Privacy Policies and Practices except in the case of those agencies which have informed us that in their view, the Federal or Provincial privacy legislation is not applicable to them.

26. We are open about the procedures it uses to manage personal information.

27. Up-to-date information on our privacy policies can be obtained from our Privacy Officer.

28. We respond on a timely basis to requests from customers about their personal information which we possess or control.

29. We will generally make available to you any Personal Information that we have collected about you, utilized or disclosed, upon your written request, to the extent permitted or required by law. We will make such information available to you in a form that is generally understandable, including explaining any abbreviations or codes.

30. You can at any time, challenge the accuracy or completeness of the Personal Information we have which is related to you. Once we have validated your identity, we will amend the Personal Information as required. Where appropriate, we will transmit the amended information to third parties having access to your Personal Information.

31. We will attempt to respond to each of your written requests not later than thirty (30) days after receipt of such requests. We will advise you in writing if we cannot meet your requests within this time limit. You have the right to make a complaint to the Federal Privacy Commissioner in respect of this time limit.